ManGeo Working Papers Series

Working papers

Our research group invites you to submit to the ManGeo working paper series. We encourage scholars to present their research on the spatiality of management and its implications for the global as well as local economies. For those who have collaborated with our academic events and/or submit high-quality contributions we offer quick turnaround from submission to online publication. We seek to publish innovative ideas on diverse managerial issues encouraging case study research usually not easy to publish in common journals.  We provide light-touch but scholarly feedback that will help you toward publication in journals and books. No specific layout and format is required, but authors remain responsible for the scholarly and ethical quality of their paper. Please submit your working paper here

ManGeo Working Paper Series – ISSN 2436-3855

Published by:  Management Geography Editor Team, ManGeo – Research Laboratory, College of Business Administration, 2-150 Iwakura-cho, Ibaraki, Osaka, 567-8570, JAPAN; Tel. +81(0)72-665-2353



ManGeo Working Paper #01
What is needed to lead in the Japanese workplace? – Classic assigned expatriates versus Hybrid managers’ acculturation, networking and leadership by Rolf D. Schlunze


ManGeo Working Paper #02

Observing problems for sustainable IHRM – Nurturing intercultural teams at a Japan-based MNE and a SME by Rolf D. Schlunze with Ms. TANG Xinyu (MA)


ManGeo Working Paper #03

Shaping spaces of innovation communities – The role of promoters in German-Japanese networks by Prof. Dr. Rolf D. Schlunze

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