Report on 1st SIEM research group meeting at March 21, 2007 at the spring meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers (AJG)

The founding members of SIEM participated in the first SIEM research group meeting. We used English language in the meeting since our idea is to communicate our joint research internationally! During the meeting we introduced in detail a “road map” for conducting our common research. I briefly list the “range beacons”:

A) Roadmap

1. 1st Symposium on Management Geography – An actor centered approach
2. Applying for a research grant (NEDO) with a joint research proposal
3. Book publication: Spaces of International Economy and Management

An important outcome of the first meeting was that we discussed potential topics for our research group. They are listed as follow:

B) Proposed / potential topics

1. Management geography: Critical review of theoretical approaches in geography & management science
2. Global migration and local segregation of the “mobile elite”
3. Spaces and places of cross-cultural synergy
4. International managers’ locational preferences
5. Management of global production and service networks
6. International managers’ global / local marketing strategy
7. Organizational learning and innovation creation in intercultural management
8. Ethnic manager – ethnic workspace: locational preferences of Asian managers
9. Knowledge transfer in the corporate value chains: Are international managers knowledge agents?
10. Locational decision-making of MNEs: the importance of the global city network for international management
11. Role and reality of female managers: Troubleshooters fixing the cross-cultural workplace?
12. Landscape and mindscape for international businesses

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