About Management Geography (ManGeo) Research Group
ManGeo is an innovative, international and multidisciplinary research group initially created in 2007 as Spaces of International Economy and Management Research group (国際経済経営地理学研究グループ)
Since then our meetings have been conducted continuously at the Association of Japanese Geographers (AJG). With our research we aim to understand new spaces of global business in the knowledge society. By displaying our work in form of several journal and two book publications we promoted a breakthrough for the agenda of Management Geography. Management geography is emerging as a new subfield of economic geography that focuses on the nexus of managerial decision-making and practices in a globalizing corporate world. The objective is to analyze the management of economic, social, and cognitive spatial realms in multi-scalar configurations that influence corporate performance through concentration, interaction, and/or perception. New methodologies such as the Preference, Interaction & Performance (PIP) model have been developed to analyze the socio-economic and cognitive spatial behavior of managerial subjects by Management Geography (ManGeo) research group members. ManGeo Research Group invites scholars and practitioners to discuss following themes and issues with us creating a wider audience.
- Theorize management practices in geographic space using approaches related to leadership, international human resource management (IHRM), Cross-cultural management and communication, corporate social responsibility (CSR), Corporate governance, communities of practice (COPs), innovative practices in manufacturing and/or services, global production networks (GPNs) and networking of managerial subjects.
- Propose new methodologies for investigating managerial mobility, practices, preferences, networking and decision-making in private and governmental organizations transforming spaces of international economy and management.
- Provide empirical evidence on all kind of management issues including knowledge transfer and localizing and globalizing managerial practices. In particular, studies that focus on managerial embeddedness, sustainable IHRM, CSR, COPs, GPNs and strategic coupling of transnational firms including family businesses are welcome.
- Develop implications for building international social capital in corporate entities and global city locations in Asia, Europe and around the world.